Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Pocahontas Essays - Disneys Pocahontas, American Folklore
Pocahontas Individuals today will in general investigate each part of anything that crosses the silver screen. The Disney organization is constantly addressed on the truth of their movies. Some observe prejudice, predisposition, or obliviousness toward history. Presently for an animation that is expected to engage youngsters, Disney does it the best. They do it so well that some contend that the individuals who scrutinize Disney are the person's who have the issue. Be that as it may, when Disney causes a film they to need to remember one thing when they do it. They need to comprehend that what they show to kids those children are going to see that, and aside from that as reality. Take for instance the film Pocahontas by Disney. This is a film with numerous blemishes that could in the end lead kids off reality behind the genuine story of Pocahontas. Pocahontas was a genuine story with genuine individuals. By Disney taking that film and putting their own wind on it, they could lead a whole age of children from what's actual. Disney wasn't right when they made the film since what they indicated wasn't the truth, and by taking history and transforming it around is simply deceptive. Jaquelyn Kilpatrick attempts to make that equivalent point on a paper about moderately the equivalent thing. Jaquelyn Kilpatrick states, Rather than progress in delineating Native Americans, this film makes a stride in reverse ? a perilous advance since it is so deliberately shined as ?real' and ?conscious' (74). Kilpatrick calls attention to that Pocahontas should be the most PC of all the Disney films ever. In any case, the foundation of her theory is that it didn't focus on any of the realities about Pocahontas' life since it was so politically right. She likewise contends, For a certain something, she was not a voluptuos young lady when she met John Smith however a ten-to twelve-year-old young lady, and John Smith was a thirty-something soldier of fortune who more took after a block than a blonde Adonis (74). Disney not just blurred the account of a little youngster who was abducted and assaulted by English pilgrims, however they even depicted her looks thoroughly off-base. Other than her delightful ?increasingly Asian' eyes, he gave her a body with a wasp abdomen, hot hips and legs, and bosoms that are really great (76). She additionally proceeded to clarify the deception of the English pilgrims. She calls attention to the English in the film are incredibly one-dimensional in their blundering eagerness (76). Disney not all generalized all English as cash hungry desperados, yet they likewise generalized all Native American as prepared to fall head over heels for the principal white man who comes their direction. Kilpatrick continues saying they changed her age, her body, and gave her a intention in her activities that comes down to going gaga over the principal white man she sees (74). In any case, the one point that Kilpatrick expressed over an over was that Disney changed reality behind the narrative of Pocahontas. Pocahontas was changed to leave a grin all over. The narrative of Pocahontas was anything but a glad romantic tale; it was an unfortunate story of a little youngster. Pocahontas was a young lady who was captured and assaulted by the English pioneers. She was then hitched to a tobacco grower named John Rolf and went to England, just beyond words smallpox on the excursion to get back. By and by, I concur with each point that Kilpatrick introduced in her contention. The narrative of Pocahontas wasn't Disney's sort story, yet Disney transformed it into one for cash. Disney saw an open advertise for a Native American story, and they pulled out all the stops giving up history for a dollar. Disney needed to accomplish something for a culture that has never been respected previously, the Native Americans. Be that as it may, they did it in return for history. Local Americans where respected however not through the genuine story of Pocahontas. Pocahontas and Disney's Pocahontas are two unique individuals. Be that as it may, in the eyes of youngsters wherever when they think about a Native American story they'll consider Disney's. It's a dismal thing that something like a film could change something like the genuine story of Pocahontas. Out there is an age of children who went to see a genuine decent film. In any case, the film that should be the truth truly wasn't. The film was something wound and shaped to fulfill an crowd that wouldn't be content with viciousness, and ugly individuals. Kilpatrick made a point with this article. The fact being that this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Essay Example
Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd Paper 1. What are the most significant issues facing Sheila Mason? Clarify you need of significant issues. The most significant issue going up against Sheila is that her past organization, ATS, is guaranteeing she might be infringing upon her Employee Noncompetition, Nonsolicitation, Nondisclosure and Development Agreement that she marked when she was recruited by the organization. The day after she quit she started authoritatively working for her own organization, which ATS shows is in direct rivalry with its own business. Her concurrence with her previous business demonstrates that she can't be included legitimately or in a roundabout way with another organization for a time of one year in the wake of leaving ATS that is in rivalry with ATS. Bricklayer likewise has another issue with the understanding she marked which expresses that she can't, for one year from her end date of her ATS work, request or work with any client of the Company or any potential client of the Company. In this way, her first obstacle will be to demonstrate that her new business is not the slightest bit in rivalry with ATS. On the off chance that she prevails at this, she will at that point need to guarantee that doesn't talk with any clients that ATS as of now holds. This will essentially restrain her market for starting deals of the item. Another issue standing up to Mason is that she much of the time utilizes her own PC for business travel and accordingly, she matches up her work information with her own information. ATS, her previous organization, is presently guaranteeing responsibility for information and mentioning that she turn it back over to the organization. We will compose a custom article test on Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Sheila Mason and Craig Shepherd explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Inside this assortment of information there is likely uncovering data identifying with her new pursuit. This could give ATS all the evidence they need so as to accuse her of the infringement of the understanding she marked with the organization. This issue ought to be her least need right now in such a case that she is cautious, she can guarantee that no data identifying with her new pursuit is ever moved to ATS. 2. What are the most significant issues defying Craig Shepherd? Clarify your need of significant issues. The most significant issue standing up to Shepherd is that his present business, Nova, is guaranteeing all rights to his development. This was an immediate consequence of Shepherd uncovering data to his supervisor that uncovered his innovation. This is by a wide margin the most problem that needs to be addressed for Shepherd in such a case that he can't completely shield his creation from his boss, none of the rest of the issues considerably matter. Nova doesn't build up an interpretation motor themselves, anyway they are in the matter of reworking applications to run on new frameworks. This shows to Nova that Shepherd could have utilized information picked up while working at Nova to build up the interpretation motor. This additionally raises the issue of the interpretation motor he created being in direct rivalry with Novas current business. Another issue facing Shepherd is that the product he made, despite the fact that it was advancement during his very own time utilizing his very own machine, it was made while he was as of now a worker at Nova. Uncovering this data to his boss gives them enough support to guarantee responsibility for programming. As concurred by Shepherd when joining Nova, they guarantee all responsibility for thoughts or programming that Shepherd produces while he is a worker of the organization. 3. What is your assessment of the non-exposure understanding (NDA)? OK sign this as a financial speculator? Why or why not? The non-exposure understanding introduced by Mason and Shepherd tries to safe gatekeeper their thought, to such an extent that the funding firm is lawfully unfit to actualize Mason and Shepherds thought themselves or unveil the plan to some other gatherings. The issue with the NDA is that it can't keep the thought from being execute by another gathering. Be that as it may, if the thought is actualized it by another gathering in the wake of getting the data, it gives Mason and Shepherd lawful priority to guarantee that they acted disregarding the NDA itself which will firmly bolster their case in the event that they should indict different gatherings. As a VC, I would not think about marking the NDA. This would just make pointless expenses and intricacy for the funding firm alongside the related potential lawful issues that could emerge. The VC would need to recruit a group of attorneys exclusively to guarantee they are not disregarding the details of the NDA. This would likewise expect them to audit their whole venture portfolio to guarantee that none of the items they current have a stake in will be not the slightest bit like the item that Mason and Shepherd are introducing to the firm. Basically, this would make undue issues for the VC that would some way or another be nonexistent. Likewise, from another point of view, introducing the NDA to a VC would cast Mason and Shepherd in a negative light as it would demonstrate they dont fundamentally comprehend the VC procedure. This would deflect the VCs from putting resources into the item even without consenting to the nondisclosure arrangement because of the rubbing it made. 4. What activities do you prescribe that Mason and Shepherd take to make preparations for the appointment of their thoughts without a NDA? Bricklayer and Shepherd should try to make sure about a patent that would ensure the protected innovation that they have grown up until now. Shepherd has as of now improvement a working verification of idea, which can be utilized for documenting the patent. While their thought isn't patentable itself, the innovation they have just made might be patentable. The innovation they have just made gives a genuinely straightforward answer for the unpredictable issue of making the interpretation motor. In the event that this innovation is licensed, they will have a noteworthy head start on any contenders that may attempt to make their own interpretation motor. The contenders would be deflected from starting this endeavor because of the expanded multifaceted nature of advancement of the interpretation motor since they would not have the option to utilized the simpler methodology that Mason and Shepherd make a case for. On the off chance that Mason and Shepherd can't make sure about patent assurance for their IP, they ought to just continue as forcefully as could be expected under the circumstances. Rather than guarding themselves forthright, they should attack technique and offer the item for sale to the public as fast as could reasonably be expected. This forceful procedure will help guarantee they generally stay in front of any opposition that may exist. When they control the underlying business sector, it will be substantially more hard for any contenders to attempt to break into that showcase. 5. What activities do you prescribe that workers take to fire their business relationship with current bosses? Identifying with Mason and Shepherd: Mason and Shepherd ought to quickly fire their relationship with their bosses. In any case, now all the while, I dont accept that they are furnished with the information and ability to cut off this relationship suitably while additionally placing them in the most ideal situation for security. They ought to promptly get a lawyer experienced around there of training to draft their abdication letters and handle all further correspondence between the gatherings. Identifying with workers when all is said in done: Employees ought to never reveal any information on thoughts, licensed innovation, or any data identifying with something they have created or will create to any representative of their organization. Any data gave just fills in as ammo to the business with which they can use to manufacture a body of evidence against you and endeavor to guarantee any such property. Representatives ought to likewise try to fire their relationship with their manager as quickly as time permits. In the event that there is any such doubt that the business may endeavor to look for guarantee to property or look for some infringement of non-contend by the worker, a lawyer ought to consistently be included as referenced previously. This presents complex circumstances which the workers are ill-equipped to deal with all alone without lawful counsel.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Signs and Symptoms of Stress in Men
Signs and Symptoms of Stress in Men Stress Management Print How Recognize the Stress Symptoms in Men By Jerry Kennard Jerry Kennard, PhD, is a psychologist and associate fellow of the British Psychological Society. Learn about our editorial policy Jerry Kennard Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 23, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on February 05, 2020 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Robert Daly/Caiaimage/Getty Images When the pressures around a person outstrip their ability to cope with them, we call this stress. What we really mean is distress, because there are two kinds of stress: eustress, or helpful stress, and distress, which is unhelpful and damaging stress. Without some stress, we would not have the motivation to win races, solve problems, take exams and make important changes. Stress is a protector in that it gives us a mechanism for dealing with threats. It prompts us to confront threats or avoid themâ"the so-called fight or flight mechanism. But stress, particularly long-term stress, can be a factor in the onset or worsening of ill health and a shortened lifespan.?? Men may not always good at recognizing stress in themselves, and stress is clearly an individual experience. What one man finds stressful, another will not. What can be stressful at one time may not cause stress during another time. And the signs and symptoms of stress can also vary from person to person and from year to year. Measuring Stress in Men Stress can be measured in different ways, but testing usually takes the form of a self-report in which a person rates particular experiences, events, or feelings on a defined scale. Perhaps the most well known of these is the SRRS (Social Readjustment Ratings Scale), developed in 1967 by the American psychiatrists Thomas H. Holmes and Richard Rahe.?? The SRRS lists a number of life events assumed to be stressful, such as moving or the death of a spouse or other close loved one. Holmes and Rahe assigned a numerical value to each of these events based on the intensity of the stress. The death of a spouse, for example, was rated the most stressful, at 100, whereas a minor violation of the law was assigned a value of 11. What Stress in Men Looks Like Broadly speaking, stress can be experienced in two ways, physically and psychologically, but the two are interrelated. For example, research has shown that chronic stress can lead to decreased immune function.?? This included an increased risk of infection and decreased ability to fight infection or repair tissue. One study found that stress not only slowed wound healing, it often also led to behaviors that slowed recovery from injury or surgery such as heavy alcohol use or poor self-care.?? Physical Symptoms Remember that stress is an individual experience and that symptoms are too. Signs of disease should not be ignored just because you believe they are stress-related. Get serious symptoms checked by your doctor. Some potential effects of stress include:?? Chest painPounding heartHigh blood pressureShortness of breathFatigueDiminished or increased sex driveMuscle aches, such as back and neck painHeadachesDizzinessClenched jaws and grinding teethTightness, dryness or a feeling of a having lump in your throatIndigestionConstipation or diarrheaIncreased perspirationStomach crampsWeight gain or lossSkin problems Psychological Symptoms If these effects of stress are interfering with your daily life, consult your doctor for advice on how to find relief. Stress management is essential to well-being and something we should practice every day. SadnessDepression??CryingWithdrawal or isolationInsomniaMood swingsWorryRestless anxietyIrritability, anger or decreased anger controlOvereating or anorexiaFeelings of insecurityDecreased productivityJob dissatisfactionChanges in close relationshipsIncreased smokingIncreased use of alcohol and drugs 17 Highly Effective Stress Relievers
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Article Review on The Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King Speech
Introduction Martin Luther King gave great speeches in the 1960ââ¬â¢s in America at a time of anti-discrimination on racial lines towards blacks, Asians and Hispanics. The famous speech I have a dream was given in 1963 at a time when there was great turbulence due to racial discrimination.à He gave the speech to an audience of all races with majority of black and white people. His speech I have a dream begins with a note of high positivism. It causes the crowd of people to be motivated about the changes that can happen in the future and not focus on the current happenings. He begins by saying the day marks a great day of demonstration of freedom in the history of America. To plead the black manââ¬â¢s case towards the white majority Luther mentioned Lincoln as a great American. He stresses that the black man is not free yet Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. The white people who greatly respected Lincoln were made to ponder the decisions and actions of the white majority. It made them remember that Lincoln had wanted the black men free and equality to prevail. He was able to identify with both races since he spoke of justice and also referred to one of the greatest American leaders at that time. Luther then describes the state the black man is in. He keeps repeating the phrase one hundred years in the second paragraph three times. This emphasizes the length of the duration since Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and yet no change had happened. He uses imagery a lot in order to show the severity and seriousness of the situation. He says the black man is crippled, chained and mangled by segregation and discrimination. He sees the black man wallowing in poverty yet he is surrounded by the affluence of the white majority. He appeals to the white majority reminding them of the contents of the constitution and declaration of independence. Again he uses imagery to stress his point. He compares these two important documents to a promissory note to all Americans that in America there will be equality one day. He appeals to the humanity and emotions of the majority white using very important aspects of their present life and history. He states that the black people have been given a bad cheque. It reads insufficient funds. Every businessman knows how expensive it is to receive a cheque that bounces. There are charges levied by banks and an individual or business loses their reputation as a result. He uses a lot of metaphors comparing the sun and autumn to the period black men will get freedom. Justice is compared to a bank which cannot go bankrupt like other well known ordinary banks. Segregation is compared to a great dark and desolate valley. He implores the black men to keep fighting until justice prevails. At the same time he reminds and stresses to the white man that there will be rest until justice is given to the black man. He is persuasive even to the white man as he tells him that his freedom will only come when the blackââ¬â¢s man freedom is given since their destinies are entwined. He makes the black man hunger for the day of freedom. He emphasizes in the last part of his speech the phrase I have a dream. He makes the people anticipate change and the glorious things it represents. He was able to persuade the black men not to use violence in fighting for freedom. He encouraged them. He actually calls the act of meeting physical force with will power a majestic height. At the same time he does not in any way promote white hatred in spite of what has happened. He tells the blacks that they should not mistrust the white people.à He sees the good in the dire circumstances and encourages the black man not to have any negativity. He actually calls the white new militancy as marvelous yet it has really hurt the black people (Pages, 2010). It has been aggressive and combative but he tells the black not to fight physically but with their spirits and minds. Martin Luther King was a courageous man. He was confident and a fighter. He was also an optimistic and forgiving man. This is shown when he encourages the black men that they should not be bitter or hateful towards the white majority. He was a man of peace. He advocated for peace. He also loved democracy and advocating for human rights. He was a highly intelligent and wise man able to communicate peace to both sides of the population. He was a peacemaker able to move both the whites and blacks to desiring a better future (Nicole, 2010). He presented great logical arguments that were true. Until there was equality and justice in America, the black man would indeed not rest. The laws by which the country operated with were not being adhered to since the constitu tion advocated for the rights of all the people not just the white majority. He also advocated for peaceful demonstration saying violence will not bring any results. This was true since his speech led the way to the Civil Rights Act in 1964. Works cited: Pages, Pensive. A Few Rhetorical Devices in the I Have a Dream Speech. 2010, Web. Smith, Nicole. Rhetoric and Martin Luther King Jr. ââ¬Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jailâ⬠and ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠. 2010, Web.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
ESL Tips to Improve Your English Online
Here are some tips to improving English both in how your learn and via the internet. Take It Slow Remember that learning a language is a gradual process - it does not happen overnight. Define Objectives Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why? - Take this quiz to find out what kind of English learner you are. Choose Well Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials - Beginners can use this starting English guide, intermediate to advanced learners can use this continue learning English guide. Change It Up Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep the various relationships between each area active. In other words, dont just study grammar. Keep Friends Close Find friends to study and speak with. Learning English together can be very encouraging. - Soziety can help you find friends to speak English over the internet. Keep It Interesting Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable - thus more effective. Practice Grammar Relate grammar to practical usage. Grammar by itself does not help you USE the language. You should practice what you are learning by employing it actively. Flex Those Muscles Move your mouth! Understanding something doesnt mean the muscles of your mouth can produce the sounds. Practice speaking what you are learning aloud. It may seem strange, but it is very effective. Have Patience Be patient with yourself. Remember learning is a process - speaking a language well takes time. It is not a computer that is either on or off! Communicate There is nothing like communicating in English and being successful. Grammar exercises are good - having your friend on the other side of the world understand your email is fantastic! Use The Internet The Internet is the most exciting, unlimited English resource that anyone could imagine and it is right at your finger tips. Practice! Practice, practice, practice
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Substantial Problems on Industrialization Free Essays
At the turn of the century, a spirit of reform known as progressivism took hold of many American people. Less a united movement than a loose gathering of casual and improbable alliances, progressivism targeted the massive problems of an urban, industrialized nation. In spite of resistance, progressives were able to redefine governmentâ⬠s role in American life, make a serious run for the White House, and ratify such lasting reforms. We will write a custom essay sample on Substantial Problems on Industrialization or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the nightfall of the 1800â⬠³s, many citizens could see that existing efforts to solve the substantial problems of industrialization were failing. The 1880â⬠³s and 1890â⬠³s were filled with lively debates about how to reform society. The ideas of journalists Henry George and Edward Bellamy were among the most popular. In 1879 Henry George had written a book Progress and Poverty in an effort to explain why an advanced civilization seemed to increase rather than eliminate poverty. George proposed to solve this problem by ending taxes on improvements on land, such as housing and cultivation. George proposed just a single tax ââ¬â on the value of land itself. Such a tax would make a speculation in land less attractive by increasing the cost of holding land without using it. In 1888 newspaper editor Edward Bellamy published a novel called Looking Backward. Incorporated into the novel was the story of a man being hypnotized and waking up in the year 2000. All of the harsh working conditions, social class set backs, and political corruption that existed in 1887 no longer existed. The reason for such a change was that government had nationalized the great trusts and organized industrial management. Socialists, unionists, and city government reformers also had many followers. Progressives realized that the nationâ⬠s free enterprise system often could be unfair, but they did not want to lose the high standard of living and personal liberty it had given them, and they deeply feared the violence of revolution. Thus, progressives were faced with the question of how to preserve what was good about the United States while reforming the bad. In order to protect vulnerable citizens, progressives accepted an increased level of government control over areas once considered private, such as housing and healthcare. Florence Kelley became a leader in the search for answers. She soon became a resident in Jane Addamsâ⬠Hull House in Chicago. Largely through her efforts, in 1893 Illinois passed a law prohibiting child labor, limiting working hours for women, and regulating sweatshop conditions. In 1954 Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter said that Florence Kelley ââ¬Å"had probably the largest share in shaping the social history of the United States during the first thirty years of this century. â⬠Driven by the mounting tide of public demand, an inundation of progressive reform programs flowed through local, state, and federal legislatures. Targets for the proposed reforms included politics, society, and the economy. Some reform mayors led movements for city ââ¬â supported welfare services. Hazen Pingree provided public baths, parks, and, to combat the 1893 depression, a work relief program. ââ¬Å"Golden Ruleâ⬠Jones opened playgrounds and free kindergartens and built lodging houses for the homeless. ââ¬Å"Nobody has the right to rule anybody else,â⬠he once said. He thought all people would be good if social conditions were good. Progressive governors and state legislators also were active. Governors Robert LaFollette in Wisconsin and Hiram Johnson in California introduced reforms to make government more efficient and responsive to voters. Progressivism appeared at the federal level in labor and industrial relations, in the regulation of business and commerce. By the time Theodore Roosevelt completed his second term in 1909, the government had filed forty ââ¬â two antitrust actions. The beef trust, Standard Oil, and the American Tobacco Company were either broken up or forced to reorganize. Roosevelt was not antibusiness. He did not wish to destroy trusts he deemed ââ¬Å"good,â⬠or not harmful to the public, he just felt they should be supervised and controlled. The progressive era also gave way to they sixteenth and seventeenth amendments. The sixteenth amendment allowed government to raise more revenue from wealthy peopleâ⬠s income and less from tariffs that hurt the working poor. The seventeenth amendment took the election of senators out of the hands of legislature; voters were thus allowed to play a more direct role in government. By the mid ââ¬â 1910â⬠³s, progressives could take pride in the many changes they had helped bring about, such as redefining the role of government in business and politics. Some reformers included Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Florence Kelley, and the nation separated as local, state, and federal. The beginning of the war in Europe brought about the end of the progressive era in 1914, by the end of 1916 the reform period of the United States had sputtered out. How to cite Substantial Problems on Industrialization, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Bay Of Pigs Invasion Essay Example For Students
The Bay Of Pigs Invasion Essay The story of the failed invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs isone of mismanagement, overconfidence, and lack of security. Theblame for the failure of the operation falls directly in the lap ofthe Central Intelligence Agency and a young president and hisadvisors. The fall out from the invasion caused a rise in tensionbetween the two great superpowers and ironically 34 years after theevent, the person that the invasion meant to topple, Fidel Castro,is still in power. To underezd the origins of the invasion andits ramifications for the future it is first necessary to look atthe invasion and its origins. Part I: The Invasion and its Origins. The Bay of Pigs invasion of April 1961, started a few daysbefore on April 15th with the bombing of Cuba by what appeared tobe defecting Cuban air force pilots. At 6 a.m. in the morning ofthat Saturday, three Cuban military bases were bombed by B-26bombers. The airfields at Camp Libertad, San Antonio de los Ba?osand Antonio Maceo airport at Santiago de Cuba were fired upon. Seven people were killed at Libertad and forty-seven people werekilled at other sites on the island. Two of the B-26s left Cuba and flew to Miami, apparently todefect to the United States. The Cuban Revolutionary Council, thegovernment in exile, in New York City released a statement sayingthat the bombings in Cuba were . . . carried out by Cubans insideCuba who were in contact with the top command of theRevolutionary Council . . . . The New York Times reportercovering the story alluded to something being wrong with the wholesituation when he wondered how the council knew the pilots werecoming if the pilots had only decided to leave Cuba on Thursdayafter . . . a suspected betrayal by a fellow pilot hadprecipitated a plot to strike . . . . Whatever the case, theplanes came down in Miami later that morning, one landed at KeyWest Naval Air Station at 7:00 a.m. and the other at MiamiInternational Airport at 8:20 a.m. Both planes were badly damagedand their tanks were nearly empty. On the front page of The NewYork Times the next day, a picture of one of the B-26s was shownalong with a pi cture of one of the pilots cloaked in a baseball hatand hiding behind dark sunglasses, his name was withheld. A senseof conspiracy was even at this early stage beginning to envelopethe events of that week. In the early hours of April 17th the assault on the Bay ofPigs began. In the true cloak and dagger spirit of a movie, theassault began at 2 a.m. with a team of frogmen going ashore withorders to set up landing lights to indicate to the main assaultforce the precise location of their objectives, as well as to clear the area of anything that may impede the main landing teams to be added when they arrived. At 2:30 a.m. and at 3:00 a.m. two battalions came ashore at Playa Gir?n and one battalion at Playa Larga beaches. The troops at Playa Gir?n had orders to move west, northwest, up the coast and meet with the troops at Playa Larga in the middle of the bay. A small group of men were then to be sent north to the town of Jaguey Grande to secure it as well. When looking at a modern map of Cuba it is obvious that thetroops would have problems in the area that was chosen for them toland at. The area around the Bay of Pigs is a swampy marsh landarea which would be hard on the troops. The Cuban forces were quickto react and Castro ordered his T-33 trainer jets, two Sea Furies,and two B-26s into the air to stop the invading forces. Off thecoast was the command and control ship and another vessel carryingsupplies for the invading forces. The Cuban air force made quickwork of the supply ships, sinking the command vessel the Marsopaand the supply ship the Houston, blasting them to pieces with five-inch rockets. In the end the 5th battalion was lost, which was onthe Houston, as well as the supplies for the landing teams andeight other smaller vessels. With some of the invading forcesships destroyed, and no command and control ship, the logistics ofthe operation soon broke down as the other supply ships were keptat bay by Castos air force. As wit h many failed militaryadventures, one of the problems with this one was with supplyingthe troops. In the air, Castro had easily won superiority over theinvading force. His fast moving T-33s, although unimpressive bytodays ezdards, made short work of the slow moving B-26s of theinvading force. On Tuesday, two were shot out of the sky and byWednesday the invaders had lost 10 of their 12 aircraft. Withair power firmly in control of Castros forces, the end was nearfor the invading army. Over the 72 hours the invading force of about 1500 men werepounded by the Cubans. Casto fired 122mm. Howitzers, 22mm. cannon,and tank fire at them. By Wednesday the invaders were pushed backto their landing zone at Playa Gir?n. Surrounded by Castros forcessome began to surrender while others fled into the hills. Intotal 114 men were killed in the slaughter while thirty-six died asprisoners in Cuban cells. Others were to live out twenty years ormore in those cells as men plotting to topple the government ofCastro. The 1500 men of the invading force never had a chance forsuccess from almost the first days in the planning stage of theoperation. Operation Pluto, as it came to be known as, has itsorigins in the last dying days of the Eisenhower administration andthat murky time period during the transition of power to the newlyelected president John F. Kennedy. The origins of American policy in Latin America in the late1950s and early 1960s has its origins in Americans economicinterests and its anticommunist policies in the region. The sameman who had helped formulate American containment policy towardsthe Soviet threat, George Kennan, in 1950 spoke to US Chiefs ofMission in Rio de Janeiro about Latin America. He said thatAmerican policy had several purposes in the region,. . . to protect the vital supplies of raw materialswhich Latin American countries export to the USA; toprevent the military exploitation of Latin America bythe enemy ; and to avert thepsychological mobilization of Latin America against us.. . . . By the 1950s trade with Latin America accounted for a quarterof American exports, and 80 per cent of the investment in LatinAmerica was also American. The Americans had a vested interestin the region that it would remain pro-American. The Guatemalan adventure can be seen as another of the factorsthat lead the American government to believe that it could handleCasto. Before the Second World War ended, a coup in Guatemala sawthe rise to power of Juan Jose Ar?valo. He was not a communist inthe traditional sense of the term, but he . . . packed hisgovernment with Communist Party members and Communistsympathizers. In 1951 Jacobo Arbenz succeeded Ar?valo after anelection in March of that year. The party had been progressing witha series of reforms, and the newly elected leader continued withthese reforms. During land reforms a major American company, theUnited Fruit Company, lost its land and other holdings without anycompensation from the Guatemalan government. When the Guatemalansrefused to go to the International Court of Law, United Fruit beganto lobby the government of the United States to take action. In thegovernment they had some very powerful supporters. Among them wereFoster Dulles, Secretary of State who had once been their lawyer,his brother Allen the Director of Central Intelligence who was ashare holder, and Robert Cutler head of the National SecurityCouncil. In what was a clear conflict of interest, the securityapparatus of the United States decided to take action against theGuatemalans. From May 1st, 1954, to June 18th, the Central IntelligenceAgency did everything in its power to overthrow the government ofArbenz. On June 17th to the 18th, it peaked with an invasion of 450men lead by a Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas. With the help of airsupport the men took control of the country and Arbenz fled to theMexican Embassy. By June 27th, the country was firmly in control ofthe invading force. With its success in Guatemala, CIA had theconfidence that it could now take on anyone who interfered withAmerican interests. Maturity EssayThe ensuing incident saw the Cubans firing their guns and thefederal authorities having to convince the local authorities not topress charges. Operation Pluto was beginning to get blown wideopen, the advantage of surprise was lost even this early in thegame. After the initial bombing raid of April 15th, and the landingof the B-26s in Florida, pictures of the planes were taken andpublished in newspapers. In the photo of one of the planes, thenose of it is opaque whereas the model of the B-26 the Cubansreally used had a plexiglass nose,. . . The CIA had taken the pains to disguise the B-26with FAR markings , the agencyoverlooked a crucial detail that was spotted immediatelyby professional observers . . . . All Castros people had to do was read the newspapers and theydknow that something was going to happen, that those planes that hadbombed them were not their own but American. In The New York Times of the 21st of April, stories about theorigins of the operation in the Eisenhower administration appearedalong with headlines of C.I.A. Had a Role In Exiles Plansrevealing the CIAs involvement. By the 22nd, the story isfully known with headlines in The New York Times stating that CIAis Accused by Bitter Rebels and on the second page of thatdays issue is a full article on the details of the operation fromits beginnings. The conclusion one can draw from the articles in The New YorkTimes is that if reporters knew the whole story by the 22nd, it canbe expected that Castros intelligence service and that of theSoviet Union knew about the planned invasion as well. Tad Szulcsreport in the April 22nd edition of The New York Times says it all,. . . As has been an open secret in Florida and CentralAmerica for months, the C.I.A. planned, coordinated anddirected the operations that ended in defeat on abeachhead in southern Cuba Wednesday . . . . It is clear then that part of the failure of the operation wascaused by a lack of security and attention to detail on the part ofthe Central Intelligence Agency, and misinformation given to thepresident. On the international scene, the Bay of Pigs invasion leaddirectly to increased tensions between the United States and theSoviet Union. During the invasion messages were exchanged betweenKennedy and Khrushchev regarding the events in Cuba. Khrushchevaccused the Americans of being involved in the invasion and statedin one of his messages that a,. . . so-called small war can produce a chain reactionin all parts of the world . . . we shall render the Cubanpeople and their Government all necessary assiezce inbeating back the armed attack on Cuba . . . . Kennedy replied giving American views on democracy and thecontainment of communism, he also warned against Soviet involvementin Cuba saying to Khrushchev,. . . In the event of any military intervention byoutside force we will immediately honor our obligationsunder the inter-American system to protect thishemisphere against external aggression . . . . Even though this crisis passed, it set the stage for the nextmajor crisis over Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba and probably leadto the Soviets increasing their military support for Castro. In the administration itself, the Bay of Pigs crisis lead toa few changes. Firstly, someone had to take the blame for theaffair and, as Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles wasforced to resign and left CIA in November of 1961 Internally,the CIA was never the same, although it continued with covertoperations against Castro, it was on a much reduced scale. According to a report of the Select Senate Committee onIntelligence, future operations were . . . to nourish a spirit ofresiezce and disaffection which could lead to significantdefections and other by-products of unrest. The CIA also nowcame under the supervision of the presidents brother Bobby, theAttorney General. According to Lucien S. Vandenbroucke, theoutcome of the Bay of Pigs failure also made the White Housesuspicious of an operation that everyone agreed to, made them lessreluctant to question the experts, and made them play devilsadvocates when questioning them. In the end, the lessonslearned from the Bay of Pigs failure may have contributed to thesuccessful handling of the Cuban missile crisis that followed. The long term ramifications of the Bay of Pigs invasion are alittle harder to assess. The ultimate indication of the invasionsfailure is that thirty-four years later Castro is still in power. This not only indicates the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion,but American policy towards Cuba in general. The American policy,rather than undermining Castros support, has probably contributedto it. As with many wars, even a cold one, the leader is able torally his people around him against an aggressor. When Castro came to power he instituted reforms to help thepeople and end corruption, no longer receiving help from the SovietUnion things are beginning to change. He has opened up the Cubaneconomy for some investment, mainly in telecommunications, oilexploration, and joint ventures. In an attempt to stay inpower, he is trying to adapt his country to the new reality of theworld. Rather than suppressing the educated elite, he is givingthem a place in guiding Cuba. The question is, will theyeventually want more power and a right to control Cubas fatewithout Castros guidance and support? If the collapse of pastregimes is any indication, they will eventually want more power. When Castro came to power in 1959, the major opponents inAmerica to him, as with Guatemala, were the business interests whowere losing out as a result of his polices. The major pressure forthe Americans to do something came, not only from the Cuban exilesin Florida, but from those businesses. Today, the tables are turnedand businesses are loosing out because of the American embargoagainst Cuba. It is estimated that if the embargo were lifted, $1billion of business would be generated for US companies that firstyear. Right now, 100 firms have gone to Cuba to talk about doingbusiness there after the embargo is lifted. Will Americanpolicy change toward Cuba because of pressure from businessinterests and growing problems with refugees from Cuba? Given thereasons why the United States got involved in Latin Americanpolitics in the first place, it is very likely that their positionwill change if they can find a face saving way to do so. Americanpolicy at this time though is still stuck in th e cold war, thechairmen of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Jesse Helms saidthat,. . . Whether Castro leaves Cuba in a vertical orhorizontal position is up to him and the Cuban people. But he must and will leave Cuba . . . . The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion was caused bymisinformation and mismanagement, the consequences of that was eggin the face for the Americans and an increase in tension betweenthe superpowers at the height of the cold war. We will only have towait and see if the Americans have really learned their lesson andwill not miss another opportunity to set things right in Cuba. BibliographyFedarko, Kevin.Bereft of Patrons, Desperate to Rescue hisEconomy, Fidel Turns to an Unusual Solution: Capitalism. TimeMagazine, week of February 20th, 1995. Internet,, 1995. Meyer, Karl E. and Szulc, Tad.The Cuban Invasion: TheChronicle of a Disaster. New York: Frederick A. Praeger,Publishers, 1962 and 1968. Mosley, Leonard.Dulles: A Biography of Eleanor, Allen, and JohnFoster Dulles and their Family Network. New York: The DailPress/James Wade, 1978. Prados, John. Presidents Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon CovertOperations Since World War II. New York: William Morrow andCompany, Inc., 1986. Ranelagh, John.CIA: A History. London: BBC Books, 1992. Rositzke, Harry, Ph.d.The CIAs Secret Operations: Espionage,Counterespionage, and Covert Action. New York: Readers DigestPress, 1977. Rusk, Dean and Richard. As I Saw It.New York and London: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990. The New York Times. 16 April to 22 April, 1961. New York: The NewYork Times, 1961. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Cuba. Map, 22 by 52cm, No. 502988 1-77. Washington, D.C.: Central IntelligenceAgency, 1977. Vandenbroucke, Lucien S. Anatomy of a Failure: The Decision toLand at the Bay of Pigs. Political Science Quarterly, Volume99, Number 3, Fall 1984.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Airlines Are the changes in baggage handling helping ease the mind of the frequent flier? The tragic events of September 11 caused a tremendous ripple of changes in the United States. One large and important response has been a deep revision of an important form of travel. Airport security over the past four months has been looked at under a microscope. The change in baggage handling has drawn a lot of concern. The old lackluster method for checking bags is a way of the past. The new method calls for all bags that are checked to be examined. Is this justified? Is the government worrying about the wrong aspects of air travel? Will changes like these promote or deter people from flying? The government is passing legislation to tighten up all forms of security in airports. Will this make passengers safer? Will people be compelled to fly if they know that all the baggage in the planes belly has been searched? Most people never thought the events on September 11 could happen.Biometric United State s passport issued in 2007Will this change prevent problems on airplanes? These days less people are willing to travel. If things do not get better soon many people might never fly again. It only makes sense that the government should try and make it clear in the minds of the travelers, that every possible thing is being done to make air travel safer. Are the procedures that are being put in place making people feel safer, or are they making flying a hassle for the passengers? The things that are being done by the government should make the current status of air travel better. Are United States Citizens once again becoming comfortable with flying?
Friday, March 6, 2020
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Jugar
Conjugation of the Spanish Verb Jugar Jugar is a common verb usually meaning to play. Its conjugation is irregular in two ways: The -u- in the stem changes to -ue- when stressed.Oà rLike other verbs that end in -gar, the -g- changes to -gu- when it comes before an -e- in order to maintain the standard pronunciation. Jugar is unique in its conjugation. The few other verbs ending in -ugar do not follow its pattern. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life may vary with context. Infinitive of Jugar jugar (to play) Gerund of Jugar jugando (playing) Participle of Jugar jugado (played) Present Indicative of Jugar yo juego, tà º juegas, usted/à ©l/ella juega, nosotros/as jugamos, vosotros/as jugis, ustedes/ellos/ellas juegan (I play, you play, he plays, etc.) Preterite of Jugar yo juguà ©, tà º jugaste, usted/à ©l/ella jugà ³, nosotros/as jugamos, vosotros/as jugasteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas jugaron (I played, you played, she played, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Jugar yo jugaba, tà º jugabas, usted/à ©l/ella jugaba, nosotros/as jugbamos, vosotros/as jugabais, ustedes/ellos/ellas jugaban (I used to play, you used to play, he used to play, etc.) Future Indicative of Jugar yo jugarà ©, tà º jugars, usted/à ©l/ella jugar, nosotros/as jugaremos, vosotros/as jugarà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas jugarn (I will play, you will play, she will play, etc.) Conditional of Jugar yo jugarà a, tà º jugarà as, usted/à ©l/ella jugarà a, nosotros/as jugarà amos, vosotros/as jugarà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas jugarà an (I would play, you would play, he would play, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Jugar que yo juegue, que tà º juegues, que usted/à ©l/ella juegue, que nosotros/as juguemos, que vosotros/as juguà ©is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas jueguen (that I play, that you play, that she play, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Jugar que yo jugara (jugase), que tà º jugaras (jugases), que usted/à ©l/ella jugara (jugase), que nosotros/as jugramos (jugsemos), que vosotros/as jugarais (jugaseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas jugaran (jugasen) (that I played, that you played, that he played, etc.) Imperative of Jugar juega tà º, no juegues tà º, juegue usted, juguemos nosotros/as, jugad vosotros/as, no juguà ©is vosotros/as, jueguen ustedes (play, dont play, play, lets play, etc.) Present Perfect Indicative of Jugar yo he jugado, tà º has jugado, usted/à ©l/ella ha jugado, nosotros/as hemos jugado, vosotros habà ©is jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas han jugado (I have played, you have played, she has played, etc.) Pluperfect (Past Perfect Indicative) of Jugar yo habà a jugado, tà º habà a jugado, usted/à ©l/ella habà a jugado, nosotros/as habà amos jugado, vosotros habà ais jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas habà an jugado (that I had played, that you had played, that he had played, etc.) Future Perfect Indicative of Jugar yo habrà © jugado, tà º habrs jugado, usted/à ©l/ella habr jugado, nosotros/as habremos jugado, vosotros habrà ©is jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrn jugado (I will have played, you will have played, she will have played, etc.) Present Perfect Subjunctive of Jugar yo haya jugado, tà º hayas jugado, usted/à ©l/ella haya jugado, nosotros/as hayamos jugado, vosotros hayis jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas hayan jugado (that I have played, that you have played, that he has played, etc.) Past Perfect Subjunctive of Jugar yo hubiera/hubiese jugado, tà º hubieras/hubieses jugado, usted/à ©l/ella hubiera/hubieses jugado, nosotros/as hubià ©ramos/hubià ©semos jugado, vosotros hubierais/hubieseis jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas hubieran/hubiesen jugado (that I had played, that you had played, that she had played, etc.) Conditional Perfect of Jugar yo habrà a jugado, tà º habrà as jugado, usted/à ©l/ella habrà a jugado, nosotros/as habrà amos jugado, vosotros habrà ais jugado, ustedes/ellos/ellas habrà an jugado (I would have played, you would have played, he would have played, etc.) Progressive Tenses of Jugar The many progressive tenses use the appropriate form of estar followed by the gerund, jugando. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Jugar Los nià ±os espaà ±oles quieren jugar ms con sus padres. (Spanish children want to play more with their parents. Infinitive.) Es el partido ms importante que he jugado en mi vida. (Its the most important match Ive played in my life. Present perfect.) Los nià ±os juegan al escondite. (The children are playing hide-and-seek. Present indicative.) Me estoy jugando la vida profesional. (Im playing the professional life. Present progressive.) Ayer juguà © todo el dà a sin problemas. (Yesterday I played all day without any problems. Preterite.) Muchas veces jugamos mejores que ustedes. (We often play/played better than you. This sentence could be in either the present or the preterite tense, depending on the context.) Mis hijos jugaban en la calle mientras yo limpiaba la casa. (My children were playing in the street while I cleaned the house. Imperfect.) Yo estaba jugando en el parque central de la universidad. (I was playing in the universitys central park. Imperfect progressive indicative.) Si hubià ©ramos tenido ms tiempo, habrà amos jugado mejor. (If we had had more time, we would have played better. Conditional perfect.) Sers emparejado con un compaà ±ero con el que jugars durante la duracià ³n de la ronda. (You will be paired off with a companion with whom you will play for the length of the round. Future.) Lo habrà © jugado mil veces, y nunca me cansa. (I will have played it 1,000 times, and I never get tired of it. Future perfect.) Su madre me garantizà ³ que à ©l siempre jugarà a a fondo. (His mother guaranteed me that he would always play his best. Conditional.) Busco un videojuego que juegues con otras personas. (Im looking for a videogame that you play with other people. Present subjunctive.) Tenà a un proyecto para desarrollar programas de cà ³mputo que jugaran ajedrez. (She had a project for developing computer programs to play chess. Imperfect subjunctive.) à ¡Juega a tope! (Play your best! Imperative.) Los nià ±os habrn estado jugando en el bosque. (The children will have been playing in the forest. Future progressive perfect.)
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion - Coursework Example Never was I bored to read the essay. The flow is continuous as he moves from one example to another. The logical reasoning through out the essay is right on the money. He does not drift from the main topic at any point of time. The least effective part of the essay for me is that audience that it is addressing. The writer fails to establish who his audience is. At some parts hardcore economists are targeted while some target a lay man. The essay would have been more effective if it had targeted any one section of the larger audience. The authorââ¬â¢s thesis is that most of our needs are actually met and we what call needs are not actually our needs. He says that the word need is used in a wrong context. I agree with the author as most of the actual needs that are essential to our survival are actually met. For example, we need at least two meals a day and few liters of water to survive which is already met. Now, if somebody whose basic needs are met says ââ¬Å"I need a burgerâ⬠, he actually means he wants a burger and not need. Hence, the authorââ¬â¢s thesis that most of the needs are actually what we want and are not a necessity is
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Law of Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Law of Evidence - Essay Example ?3 Lord Lane refused to follow the previous authorities and exclude the confession, because the confession obtained in the Fulling case did not involve any deliberate impropriety on the part of the officer who obtained it. No intimidation was used, there was no bullying or hectoring, hence they could not be held to be oppressive. However, Dennis points out that the danger arising from the exclusions inherent in the definition of oppression in Fulling as follows: ââ¬Å"The effect is that both the English and Australian Acts allow for the possibility of other, undefined, cases to fall within the prohibition on the use of oppression.â⬠4 Similarly in the case of Lam Chi-ming v the Queen, Lord Griffiths also explained the rationale for Section 76(2) in rejecting improperly obtained confessions, not only due to ââ¬Å"possible unreliability, but upon the principle that a man cannot be compelled to incriminate himself.â⬠5 Exclusion of such confessions is also mandated by civilized society that requires the police to behave properly with those in their custody. (b) The general position in law has been that even when a confession is made voluntarily, the Courts have a residual discretion to exclude it in order to preserve the fairness of the trial. Where the question of inducement by an authority to elicit the confession by creating fear or hope of advantage arises, it must necessarily be excluded. However, Lord Lane articulates the view that an involuntary confession cannot be withheld as evidence, merely on the grounds of what the police had done or omitted to do.6 The difficulty of establishing implied inducement is his criterion for the statement that every voluntary statement will become inadmissible if the motives of authorities are to be assessed, because the police are interested in solving cases. However, Lordââ¬â¢s Laneââ¬â¢s statement cannot be applied indiscriminately, because of the limitations identified above as the general position in law. 2. Counsel may not be
Monday, January 27, 2020
Microwave power transmission using rectenna
Microwave power transmission using rectenna à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Abstract microwave power transmission using rectenna A high efficient rectanna was design and tested at 5.8GHz frequency, which is use to power up applications. Patch antenna used with a low return low simulated in ADS. The micro-strip patch is a good practice for manufacturing physical antenna, as it will be easy to fabricate. The designed patch antenna have been employed in a 22 and 14 triangular antenna array so that the power and gain can be increased. The patch antenna captures the RF signal and then feed through 50 ohm feed line into the low pass filter and then into the rectifying circuit giving DC power. A low pass filter at 5.8 GHz was constructed. The diode used for the rectifying circuit is HSMS 2862 or HSMS 2080 schottky. A comparison analysis has been done between different designs of antenna. The results compared and best possible DC voltage was achieved in ADS simulation. ADS results achieved by simulating the designs for antennas, low pass filters and rectifying circuits were efficient. The designs were manufactured. The result generated from the physical antenna and the simulation is studied. Chapter 1 1 Introduction As the technology is growing the world is now moving toward wireless power. We can see that now days everyone prefers to use a wireless mouse or a wireless headphone. The use of batteries can make this possible but the problem is that too many batteries are being used and there has to be a way by which these applications can run wirelessly and the best thing would be if the batteries were not used. How can this be possible? This is the problem which we will try to solve in the design. The rectanna used will convert the RF power into dc signal and instead of batteries the application will have a rectanna to produce the power. Therefore we will have a true wireless system, which has no wires and no batteries. Although we have to agree that may be so power will not be produced by these rectanna but still as the technology increase, the rectanna manufacturing will also be improved. The word ââ¬Ërectenna as we know today was first introduced by Brown [4]. The basic concept of rectanna is a ââ¬Å"rectifying antennaâ⬠. In other word an antenna which will be used for receiving RF signal and a rectifying circuit which is used to give us DC power. Personally I view rectanna as a wireless battery, which is a very cool device. Wireless power transmission (WPT) can be viewed as an electrical grid which generates power. WPT is the technology which is used for wireless transmission of power, this will be used in future for solar power satellites [4]. Let me explain the concept in detail. As the satellites are orbiting around the earth 24 hour and the satellites have the capability to convert the solar power into RF signals and then beam those RF signal to the earth. Array of antennas will be used to capture those RF signals and the rectifying circuits to convert those into DC power. If sufficient amount of array antennas are used, a lot of power can be produced. The electrical power station would be viewed as RECTANNA stations where RF signal would be converted into DC power. 1.1 History of Microwave Power Transmission Tesla was the first person who introduced the idea of wireless power transmission. Tesla was not able to produce power with the RF signal because the transmitted power got diffused in all the direction with 140 KHz radio signal [4]. The problem faced by Tesla was overcome, by the fact that higher RF frequency has greater directivity and so the power can be transmitted in a particular direction. Radar technology used in world-war 2 was also very helpful in advancing the growth of wireless power. In the early 1960s W.C. Brown used that latest technology to produce wireless power for the first time. The word ââ¬Å"Rectannaâ⬠which we use today was first developed by W.C. Brown. He used an antenna with a rectifying circuit to produce power. The conversion was very good. Based on browns research work, where P.E. Glaser in 1968 introduced a solar power satellite [4] [3]. 1.2 Objectives The object of this thesis is to design a rectanna which will be able to receive microwave energy at 5.8 GHz and then converting that signal to DC power. This thesis will also help to provide a new ways of exploring energy resources. A secondary objective is to reduce the return losses so that maximum output can be achieved. A comparison analysis is done between series and parallel configuration of the 5.8ghz antenna. 1.2.1 Scope of thesis: Perform a good and comprehensive literature review so that all the concepts of RF electronics could be understood. Understand different antenna designs and test them to get the best possible result. Simulating and creating a functional micro-strip patch antenna design suitable for the rectenna frequency of operation of 5.8 GHz. Designing, simulating and creating the rectifier circuit. 1.3 Thesis Outline The thesis was completed in two semesters. Each a certain number task must be completed. Semester 1: Involves literature review of patch antenna, low pass filter and rectifier. The array of antenna design will also be taken under consideration and will be tested and simulated in ADS software and a prototype of 44 circular and triangular patch antenna will be build for testing purpose. Semester I Introduction to the topic Finding the research papers and resources Literature review Design proposal Simulation in ADS Operational system in ADS Prototype for testing Semester 2: The 2nd semester was utilized to make better designs and operation of antennas. Rectifying circuit will be improved as well. An application will be tested, so that the patch antenna can be used to power a small application. Semester II Tweaking of the design Making system efficient Measurements and results Comparison analysis of design Documentation and final report Chapter 2 2 Introduction To Literature Review This section outlines brief theory of micro-strip patch antennas .. The library resources were used extensively and the journals related to the power transmission using rectanna were studied in detail. The articles were used to get idea about the design as well as methods of adapting the microwave techniques. 2.1 Motivation The possibility of transferring power wirelessly can open up infinite applications. The fact that wireless application will not be powered by the batteries but instead use RF signal to generate the power is so extraordinary that everyone would want to be a part of the technology. The idea of using the solar space satellites to create power is not very new. It was first presented in 1968 by Peter E. Glaser [4] [3]. The area of wireless power is not only limited to power generation by satellites but in fact it can be used in daily electronics, such as a wireless headphone, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse and even in wireless small motors. This research will give me a glimpse of future technologies that lies ahead of us. 2.2 What I Want to Achieve At the end of this thesis I hope to have a rectenna which will convert RF signals into DC power and that DC power will be used for any selected application. 2.3 Important Points About Antenna An antenna is device which is made so that it can radiate and receive radiating power from the electromagnetic wave. There are some important points that we need to know about antenna before proceeding towards the main antenna design. 2.3.1 Antenna gain: The ratio of input power to the output power is called antenna gain. 2.3.2 Directivity: The property of antenna to radiate electromagnetic waves in a particular direction is called directivity. If the electromagnetic waves are concentrated in a particular direction then we can that antenna has good directivity. Directivity and gain are related to each other by the following formula. Gain = efficiency/Directivity. 2.3.3 Polarization: The phenomena of polarization can be understand as the orientation of electromagnetic waves at distance from the source. The polarization types have been show in the table below. 2.3.4 Impedance Matching: The energy transfer can only be possible if the antenna and the transmission lines are matched. Typically 50 ohm impedance is used for the radio. If the antenna is not match then the input power or the output power will be reflected back. As a result power will be lost and desired results will not be achieved. 2.3.5 VSWR and the Reflected power of antenna: The voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is a parameter, which tells us that how good the impedance match is done. A VSWR of 2:1 is considered good. Most of the antennas which are built have a VSWR of 1.5:1. Chapter 3 3 Rectenna design 3.1 Introduction to rectenna The above diagram shows a basic design of a rectanna. The antenna receives the RF signals. The signal is passed to the low pass filter by a transmission line which has an impedance of 50 ohm. The low pass filter will filter the desired frequency so that unwanted frequency does not go through the rectifying circuit. The low pass filter is also used to stop the harmonics reflected back from the diode. The rectifying circuit is used in double configuration. The double configuration is used so that maximum RF signal can be converted into DC power. Schottky diodes will be used in the rectification process as they have low voltage drop across it. The overall efficiency of the rectanna can be determined by ?= PdcPinc, Pdc is the DC output power. Pinc is the Incident RF power 3.2 Operating frequency The most common frequency used is 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz. The directivity of antenna is more at 5.8GHz. Over all a lot of applications are available at these frequencies. 3.3 Substrate Material Taconic TLX-0 was used for the physical design of the antennas. It has the following properties: H = 0.787 mm(height) T = 17 à µm er= 2.45 TanD = 0.0019 Taconic TLX-0 laminate are low loss antennas.[8] 3.4 Design Specifications Chapter 4 4 Array Antennas and Design: 4.1 Introduction to Array Antennas and Design In this section is related with the antenna design in detail and the array antenna design for achieving greater power. 4.2 Micro-strip Patch Antenna The patch antenna is triangular. It has 3 layers. The bottom layer is the ground, middle is the dielectric substrate and the upper layer which is made up of copper or gold. As you can see in the figure, the 3 layer are shown. The patch antenna radiates because of the fringing fields between the ground and the patch. For good performance the thick dielectric should be used with a low dielectric constant [13]. As the design does not allow us to use a thick dielectric, otherwise the size of the antenna would be very big, so in our design a thin dielectric with high dielectric constant would be used. A micro strip antenna has some advantages and some drawback. Some of the advantages and drawbacks are given in the table. ADVANTAGES OF MICROSTRIP ANTENNA Light weight and have low volume with low profile. Fabrication cost is low, easily manufactured in big quantities. Circular and Linear polarizations can be made in them. Dual frequency and dual-polarization is also possible with this. Microwave integrated circuits can be integrated with them as well. The antenna structure can be fabricated with Feed lines and matching networks within. Figure 7 Advantages of microstrip DISADVANTAGES OF MICROSTRIP ANTENNA Bandwidth Narrow Lower gain Large losses with the feed structure. Cannot be high power handling capacity Figure 8 Disadvantages of microstrip 4.3 Feed Technique There are two types of feeding techniques Contacting: In this type feed network the RF signal is feed directly into the patch antenna. Non contacting: In this configuration electromagnetic field coupling occurs due to transfer of energy between the line of mirco-strip and the patch. 4.3.1 Micro-strip Line Feed As you can see in the figure the simplest way of having a feed line is to attach a transmission line feed with the edge of the antenna. This feed line technique is very useful as the feed line and the antenna are both on the same plane. The structure is on the same surface and area is also reduced. It has a better utility as now the antenna (with the feed line) can be place in numerous applications. The thickness of the feed line determines the impedance of the line. 4.4 ANALYSIS 4.4.1 Triangular patch antenna : As we know that lots of work have been on rectangular patch antennas and the circular patch but for my design I will be using a triangular patch so that the radiation pattern and the return losses can be studied. The size of the triangular patch is smaller than the rectangular patch, so a much more efficient design. The design formulas are, in the later sections of the report. 4.4.2 Design specifications TRANMISSION LINE MODEL : In my design I have used the transmission line model to develop the concepts and theory behind the triangular patch antennas the equilateral triangular patch was also design using the transmission model. Resonant frequency The resonant frequency is given by [14] fr=ckmn2pEr =2c3aEr(m2 +mn+n2)1/2 1 In the above equation c is the velocity of the light in the free space. Er is the dielectric constant and K(mn) are the different modes of harmonic order. The lowest order resonant frequency given by [14] fr=2c 3aEr2 The effect of fringing field was not consideration in the above equation. The fringing field occurs at the antenna patch edge. In our case the fringing field will occur at the edge sides of the equilateral triangle. The fringing fields are depended on the physical dimension of the triangular patch and the height of the substrate material. The figure below shows the field lines of a micro-strip antenna. The maximum amount of field lines are going into the substrate and some of them are in the air. The side of a patch is increased due to the fringing field effect. The side length of a triangular patch antenna will no longer will be the same as we have to take account of the effective dielectric constant Ee. The modified equations are given below. The equation above does not take given very accurate results, as it does not consider the fringing fields produced by the antennas. The Er in equation (1) and (2) can be replaced by effective dielectric constant. The dielectric constant given by [14] Ee=Er+12+Er-14(1+12h/a)-12 3 Similarly the a can be replaced by aeff (effective). The value of the aeff (effective) given by [14] aeff=a+hEr -4 Where h is the height of the material Thus equation 2 can be replaced with the effective value of aeff and Ee giving us the final equation given by [14] fr=2c 3aeffEe5 4.4.3 Excitation technique: Micro-strip feed: The location of feed point is determined according to dimension of the antenna. Once we have calculated the accurate dimension of the antenna then we have to connect it with a 50ohm transmission line. In my design I will be using the center fed for the patch antenna. There are two ways to do this. The first is using a quarter wave transformer and the 2nd is to use the inset model. INSET MODEL: A triangular patch antenna was designed using the inset model. The advantage of using the inset model is that the size of the antenna reduces as compared to the quarter wave transformer design [14]. The length of the triangular patch is d. the length of transmission patch is l and the width of the transmission patch is w. the width and length of transmission patch if design do that a 50ohm impedance can be achieved. Quarter Wavelength Transformer The quarter wave transformer is a system which is used to match the impedance. As we know that the resistance Rin of the antenna will not matched with the feed line which has a impedance of 50 ohm. A formula is used to calculate the impedance of the quarter wave transformer. 4.5 Antenna design The calculation for different antennas was designed in ADS. And the result will be shown in much detail the later sections of the report. The operating frequency is 5.8GHz. The result show in the table below is for triangular patch. 4.6 Introduction to Array theory The range of the system can be increased by array of antennas which are working together and the focus of the reception or transmission of energy also increase in a particular direction[10]. The antenna in an array can be manufactured on a micro-strip with a feed network and a power divider. There are two kinds of feed network in array antennas Single line(series feed network) Multiple feed network The series-feed network in an array of antennas is limited with a fixed beam[13]. We can see that series feed is easy to manufacture as it has the same configuration which repeats. There is a major disadvantage, any change to a single element can affect the remaining elements. The antenna elements are fed by a 1 to N (in corporate network).The power divider network has a identical path lengths to all the elements, from the feed point [13]. The phase of the element can be controlled in the corporate network with the help of phase shifters. Amplifier can be used to fix the amplitude [13]. 4.6.1 The Array Factor The array factor depends on Number of elements Element spacings Amplitude Excitation phase which is applied to each elements within the array 4.6.2 Array design As we see in the previous section that that array design is deeply affected by the element of spacing, so for 5.8 GHZ antenna the wavelength is 51.72mm, based on these factors the element spacing for 5.8GHZ antenna the element spacing should be 38.79mm. We can see that the element spacing is 0.75 % of the given wavelength. As we can see in the below figure that the quarter transformer is matched with antenna which has a impedance of 100ohm. The 100ohm line are combined together and gives a resulting impedance of 50ohm at the meeting point of the line. In the last the two 100ohm lines are combined to give a 50ohm impedance which is same for a feed line. 4.6.3 Metering of Corners In our design we are using a microstrip. So with the mircostrip antennas, the 90% angle at any corner can cause large reflection from the 90% degree angle. So a smooth edge has to be made, so that there are no reflection losses. To reduce the reflection factor the edges are metered at the corner so that there is a smooth flow of current. A equation can be used to metered the corners which is given by the equation below. 4.7 Simulation results in ADS 4.7.1 Single triangular patch Single triangular patch : 4.7.2 Single patch with inset model: Single patch with inset model: 4.7.3 2X2 triangular patch with inset model: 4.7.4 14 linear triangular patch: 4.7.5 Single patch with quarter wave transformer 4.7.6 22 triangular patch with quarter wave transformer CHAPTER- 5 LOW PASS FILTER 5 Low Pass Filter 5.1 Introduction to low pass filter In this chapter we will discuss the low pass filter and why is it important for the rectanna design. The techniques which will be used and calculation used to make a low pass filter. The results which are calculated by the ADS calculation will also be show in this section. 5.2 Theory behind LPF The antennas which were designed in the previous section was for 5.8Ghz but still some extra frequencies have to be filtered. The rectifying circuit also cause reflection from the first harmonics. To stop those reflection from the diode, LPF is used. LPF is extensional for the design as it can increase the power of the antenna. The LPF block the signal coming back from the diode and so the phenomena of re-radiation does not occur. The LPF is usually designed for the lower frequencies. We can use lamped component for the design but there is a problem with that. The lamped component can also cause reflection, so SMT components should be used to avoid the reflections from the inductor or the resistors. There is another good way, instead of using lumped component, the LPF can also be designed on the same transmission line by using Richard transmission. I think it would be the best thing for our design because then we would be able to make the design on the same surface. The whole design would have the same physical platform and planer surface can be achieved. There are two kinds of low pass filter which we can use in our design. Equal ripple Maximum flat 5.3 LPF Design The filter can be designed by using ââ¬Å"Richardson method from chapter of Micro-wave engineering by david pozar[9]. We have to get the values from the table then Richard transformation is used to get the series inductors and the stub used and the shunt capacitors to shunt stubs. For Richard ?/8 at ?= ?C. Then the 2nd step would be to use the kuroda identity to series stub and shunt stubs. For the frequency of ?/8 at 2.45 GHz) and (?/8 at 5.8 GHz) we need to apply the impedance and the frequency scaling to get the accurate value. 5.3.1 Equal ripple low pass filter 5.3.2 Maximum low pass filter 5.4 Simulation results from ADS 5.5 LPF AT 5.8GHZ 5.5.1 LFP EQUAL RIPPLE (5.8GHZ) 5.5.2 LPF MAX FLAT(5.8GHZ) CHAPTER 6 6 RECTIFYING CIRCUIT FOR RECTENNA 6.1 INTRODUCTION TO RECTIFYING CIRCUIT FOR RECTENNA The final stage of the rectenna design is the rectanna which actually converts the RF signal into the DC voltage. As the diode has its own impedance so we have to match the impedance of the rectifying circuit as well. The method by which the impedance was match and the results obtained from the ADS simulation will be looked. 6.2 Single Rectifier design The single diode configuration is very easy to understand. In the positive wave of the AC signal the diode d5 is forward biased and the capacitor is being charged. When the negative wave come, the diode is reverse biased and no current crosses the diode and at that time the capacitor is providing the voltage. As the capacitor is providing the voltage we have small ripples in the simulation and in practical applications. 6.3 Single voltage quadrupler: The quadrapler provides 4 times the voltage as campared to the single rectifying circuit. The configuration is easy to fabricate and easy to understand. In the positive cycle the 2nd diode and the 4th diode is forward biased allowing the capacitor c4 and c1 to be charged. In the negative cycle the 1st and the 3rd diode are reversed biased and the capacitor c3 and c2 are being charged. The four capacitor voltages adds up before the resistor, giving us four times the voltage at the resistor. 6.4 Four 5.8 ghz with quadraupler in parallel configuration: In this design we have again used a quatrupler configuration bt this time we are using 4 sources in parallel with each other. The four parallel source were used to replicate the design, when 4 parallel antennas are used and then feeding into a single quadrupler rectifier configuration. The results are show below. 6.5 Four 5.8 ghz with four individual quadraupler rectifier in parallel configuration: The difference between the above design and this design is that, this time individual rectifier is being used with a single 5.8ghz source. The configuration is used in parallel combination. 6.6 Four 5.8 ghz with quadraupler in series configuration : In the design below a series combination was used. Four 5.8ghz source which is acting like a 5.8ghz patch antenna are configured in series conbination. The output from the source is then feed into the voltage quadrupler. The results are shown below. 6.7 HSMS 2862k Diode parameters Chapter 7 7 Conversion efficiency 7.1 Introduction to Conversion efficiency The design with different configuration was tested in ADS simulation. Now we have to move towards the physical antennas and we need to determine how we can mearsure the efficiency of a rectanna. When the antenna designs are manufactured we will tested the parrallel combination with the series combination. We will be comparing two designs. 14 array of antenna 22 array of antenna Chapter 8 8 Complete Rectenna design In this section we will see the complete rectanna design on a single surface. Which means that the low pass filter and the rectifying circuit will be on the same surface as that of the array antennas The dimension and the simulated results of all the component were shown in the above sections of the report. Chapter 9 9 CONCLUSION As we have seen that all the design of the antennas and the other component were tested at maximum in ADS and the results obtained from the ADS simulation shows that we are on the right track and we will be cable of manufacture a good efficient antenna is the next semester. The antenna will be able to convert the RF signal in DC power. The low pass filters were designed and we saw that the equal ripple filter show a much better results and so we will be using that with our design. The rectifying circuit were build and tested and a practical results show that we need a minimum of 3dbm power, so that the SMT led can be turned ON. In the future a 5.8 ghz antenna with array of 22 and 14 will be made. The simulation of 22 and 14 antenna array is already done in ADS. The designs are ready for manufacturing. 9.1 Prototype and gerber Files for Manufacturing 10 Appendix References J.O. McSpaden J.C. Mnakins, ââ¬Å"solar power programs and MWP(micro wave wireless power),â⬠IEEE Micro, volume. 3, number. 4, pages. 46-57, Dec 2002 J.A. Hagerty and Z.Popovic, ââ¬Å"experimental results of a broad band arbitrarily polarized antenna,â⬠found in IEEE MTT-S Int. Moscow Sym. Dig., May 2001, volume 3.,pages 1855-1858 D.G.Guha, Y.M.Antar and J.Y. Siddiqui and M. Biswas ââ¬Å"Resonanting resistance for microstrip-line-fed for a circular-micro-strip patchesâ⬠Ieee Proc Microw. Antennas Propagationâ⬠found in volume 152, Number 6, Dec 2005 W C. brown, ââ¬Å"history of wireless power transmissonâ⬠IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 1983 Wireless-Power-Transmission(WPT) for the use of Solar Power Satellite found at site (Accessed 13th June 2008) R.P. Jedelika, ââ¬Å"measured mutal coupling between antennas and the patch antennasâ⬠, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Prop., pp. 147-149 Jan. 1981 Change, K. ââ¬Å"Radio frequency and Microwave Wireless Systemsâ⬠by John Wiley and Sons, Inc 2000 Taconic material ââ¬Å"TLX-0 Data Sheetâ⬠TACONIC Advanced Dielectric Division David, M. P. ââ¬Å"Microwave Engineering, second edition by â⬠John Wiley and Sons, Inc 1998 Chang.K. ââ¬Å"Radio Frequnecy and Micro-wave power wireless wystems, Chapter 3 to Chapter 4 Antenna Systemsâ⬠by John Wiley and Sons, Inc 2000 Kai.chang,RF and microwave wiresless system chapter.3 pp 89-98. 2000 I. J. Bahle and P. Bhartia, ââ¬Å"Microstrip patch Antennasâ⬠, Artech House Inc, Dedham, MA 1980 Balanise, C.A ââ¬Å"Antenna Theory and Analysis for Design by â⬠Wiley-Interscience, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey 2005 I. J. Bahle and P. Bhartia, ââ¬Å"Microstrip Antennasâ⬠, Artech House Inc, Dedham, MA 1980 Matsumoto. H Shinohara. N, ââ¬Å"study on array of antennas for wireless power transmissionâ⬠IEEE, volume. 46, number. 3, 1998 Bhartia, B. Roa and K.V.S. Tomar, R.S. ââ¬Å"Millimeter-Wave Microstripe for Printed Circuit and Antennasâ⬠Arteche House, Inc, United States of America, 1991
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ways to Generate Awareness Among the People
Oil Conservation Fortnight (OCF) ââ¬â 4thà ââ¬â 19thà January Petroleum or crude oil is a non renewable energy source that means it is present in the limited amount. If the use of oil will continue with the careless nature it is going to exhaust definitely at one day. Hence conservation of this valuable resource is the need of the hour. Therefore in order to generate awareness among the masses about the urgency of conserving petroleum products, the celebration of an Oil Conservation Week (OCW), with the participation of the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) and the entire oil industry under the guidance of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MPNG), began in January, 1991. Considering the overwhelming response and enthusiasm generated by OCW in the country, and to further increase the reach as well as the effectiveness of the oil conservation campaign, the duration of the program was increased to a fortnight from the year 1997 onwards. During this fortnight, the entire oil industry undertakes various kinds of activities to emphasize the need and importance of the conservation of petroleum products and environment protection. This is carried out through print and electronic media, training programs, kisan or farmer melas, technical meets and distribution of literature in national as well as vernacular languages all over the country. The activities are carried out by the State Level Coordinators (SLCs) of the oil industry in each State under the direction of the Regional Level Coordinators (RLCs). Awards are given to Large, Medium & Small industries, State & Regional Level Coordinators, State Transport Undertakings, Energy Auditors, Upstream & Refining oil. Companies for outstanding performance in oil conservation activities. The State/ National level Essay Competition Awards for students & teachers are also given. Oil & Gas Conservation: Oil and gas conservation means their better and more efficient use with regard to economic, social or environmental costs and benefits, resulting in attainment of higher energy use efficiencies, minimization of wasteful practices and wastage and protection of the environment. Petroleum is the primary energy source in India and a preferred swing fuel. Its consumption has been increasing at a very steep rate from 3. 5 MMT in 1950-51 to 84. 3 MMT in 1997-98 and reached 130 MMT in 2001-02 and 175 MMT in 2006-07. The current estimate of natural gas reserves is about 100 million metric tons in the world. At current usage levels, this supply will last an estimated 100 years. In India, the power and fertilizer sector are major users of natural gas. In India, production of Natural gas increased from 17998 Million Cubic Metres in 1990-91 to 32274 Million Cubic Metres in 2007-08. Accordingly Strategy of Promoting Oil Conservation: Government has initiated various steps to promote conservation of petroleum products in the transport, industrial, agricultural and domestic sectors. These include adoption of measures and practices which are conducive to increase fuel efficiency and training programme in the transport sector; modernization of boilers, furnaces and other oil operated equipments with efficient ones and promotion of fuel efficient practices and equipment in the industrial sector; standardization of fuel efficient irrigator pump-sets and rectification of existing pump-sets to make them more energy efficient in the agricultural sector and development as well as promotion of the use of fuel efficient equipment and appliances like kerosene and LPG stoves in the household sector. These activities are promoted and coordinated by the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) and Oil Marketing Companies under the guidance and supervision of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. The following specific activities are taken up from time to time. * Multi Media Mass Awareness Campaign Effective and result-oriented conservation methods adopted by the upstream undertakings in the oil sector like reduction of gas flaring by re-injection of gas to underground reservoir, installation of waste heat recovery systems, utilization of non-conventional energy sources and close monitoring of all conservation efforts by ONGC. * Energy audits, efficiency upgradation of equipment and appliances; substitution of diesel with Natural Gas, deployment of solar-powered illumination panel, battery operated vehicles, Bio-gas etc. * Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is used as a fuel in transport sector in many countries. Its advantage is being safe and clean burning fuel, besides being environment friendly fuel. * Blending ethanol (5%) / methanol (3%) with Petrol for using in vehicles without any modification of engine. All these steps are certainly playing a major role in conserving Oil and Gas resources which are available to us in a limited amount. Let us be a part of this national activity by using natural resources wisely! What Organization Can Do? Whenever you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such fossil fuels as coal, oil, and natural gas. Less burning of fossil fuels also means lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter, Lead (Pb) etc. Lower emissions of CO2à which is a green house gas contributes to reduce the impact of global warming. Similarly, lower emission of particulate matter and other pollutant help to reduce their harmful impact on the environment. For generating awareness: * A School Children's Rally for awareness * Organizing Film Festival, Seminars, exhibitions emphasizing value of natural resources ; need for their conservation. Organizing State/ National level Essay, Painting, Speech Competition about oil conservation especially emphasizing that children could be a beacon of light to guide the elders in the family and society on how to conserve oil. * Introducing ââ¬Å"Publicity Vanâ⬠which will go all over the city spreading the message of ââ¬Å"oil conservation. â⬠* Organizing ââ¬Å"Street playsâ⠬ - with the objective to project the routine oil conservation messages in a different way. * Use of Solar Street lights. * In the rural sector, use of gobar gas plants, would be excellent fuel conservation technique. This awareness campaign should not end at the end of the fortnight, but should continue in the hearts of all of us. What we Can Do in our day today life for Oil Conservation * While cooking use wide bottom vessels with covers. * Allow food articles taken out of the refrigerators to attain room temperature before cooking them. * Soak cereals and dals for sometime before cooking them to reduce the cooking time as well as the fuel consumption. * Use just sufficient water for cooking. * Pressure cookers used with separators lead to substantial fuel saving. * Try to eat together to avoid repeated warming of food. This not only saves fuel but also preserves the nutritional value of food. * Light the flame only after all preparations have been made and the vessel is ready to be put on the stove. * Use hot water from solar water heaters for cooking if the facility is available. * Try to use a solar cookers, solar lanterns. * The first rule of fuel conservation would be to travel judiciously and curtail wasteful driving. * Wherever possible/ available and convenient, use public transport instead of using personal transport. * Matching the size of the vehicle to your need would also go a long way in conserving fuel. For instance if you have the option of a personal car and a scooter, then use the scooter when only two persons have to travel, and the car if more persons have to travel or heavy luggage needs to be transported. * Emphasis should be given on reducing the use of petroleum products in our day to day life and act accordingly. This can be achieved by adopting car-pooling like practices. Car pooling will not only conserve fuel but will also improve social relations with your colleagues. * Use of solar lanterns in rural areas instead of kerosene based lamps. As far as possible, avoid idling the vehicle between red and green signal, be it a car, scooter or any other mechanized transport. * Try to buy fuel efficient vehicles. * There is no substitute for timely attention, servicing and tuning of the vehicle in fuel conservation and emission control. This should include checking of injectors and spark plugs, correct tire pressure, re-greasing, topping up or renewal of lubricants for engine a nd gear boxes. * Correct driving habits are important for fuel conservation. Try to avoid sudden Speeding, braking ; stopping, clutch riding, idling, over- speeding, and over-loading. All these small deeds will lead to fuel conservation and pollution control, which is our moral duty as citizens of India. It is the time we inculcate these measures to become a part of our daily routines. Only by practicing and preaching these conservation tips we can think of future progress. Given the difficult times ahead, it becomes our responsibility to spread this awareness, particularly amongst the youth who will be citizens of tomorrow. Good habits taught early will salvage the oil shortage to a great extent. This awareness campaign should not end at the end of the fortnight, but should continue in the hearts of all of us.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Philips Kotler Marketing Management Essay
Analyzing Consumer Markets Since marketing starts from the customer, it is of primary importance to understand the psyche of the customers and their buying motives. This chapter talks about the various behavioural patterns that govern the decision making process of a customer. A marketer needs to understand these factors affecting the customerââ¬â¢s purchase decisions so as to design an appropriate marketing strategy. Factors affecting Consumer Buying Behaviour 1. Cultural Factors a. Culture ââ¬â Frames traditions, values, perceptions, preferences. E.g. Child learning from family & surroundings. b. Sub-culture ââ¬â Provides more specific identification and socialization. Include nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographic regions. c. Social Class ââ¬â Homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society which are hierarchically ordered. Members share similar tastes and behaviour. 2. Social Factors a. Reference Groups ââ¬â Have direct or indirect influence on personââ¬â¢s attitude and behaviour. Primary groups: regular interaction, e.g. family, friends, neighbours. Secondary groups: religious, professional, trade union groups. Aspirational Groups: ones that a person hopes to join. Dissociative groups: whose values or behaviour and individual rejects. b. Family ââ¬â Family of orientation: parents and siblings. Acquires orientation towards religion, politics and economics, sense of personal ambition, self worth and love. Family of procreation: spouse and children. More direct influence on buying behaviour. c. Roles and Status ââ¬â Role consists of activities a person is expected to perform. Each role carries a status. Marketers must be aware of the status symbol of each product. Chapter 6 ââ¬â Analyzing Consumer Markets 3. Personal Factors a. Age and Stage in the Life Cycle ââ¬â Tastes are age related. Markets should also consider critical life events or transitions. b. Occupation and Economic Circumstances ââ¬â Economic Circumstances like spendable income, savings, assets, debts, borrowing power etc affect consumption patterns. c. Personality and Self Concept ââ¬â Personality, set of distinguishing characteristics that influence his/her buying behaviour. Consumers match brand personality with their ideal self concept instead of their actual self concept. d. Lifestyle and Values 4. Psychological Factors a. Motivation: Freudââ¬â¢s theory of id, ego and super ego; Maslowââ¬â¢s need hierarchy theory; Herzbergââ¬â¢s two factor model. b. Perception: Process by which we select, organize and interpret information inputs. In marketing, perceptions are more important than reality. c. Learning ââ¬â Induces changes in behaviour arising from experience. Marketers can build demand by associating the product with positive drives. d. Memory ââ¬â Short term and long term memory. Build brand knowledge and brand recall as node in memory. Problem Recogniton Information Search Evaluation of Alternatives Purchase Decision Postpurchase Behaviour The Buying Decision Process Problem Recognition ââ¬â Customer recognises a need triggered by internal or external stimuli. Marketers need to identify circumstances that trigger needs. Information Search ââ¬â Two levels of involvement ââ¬â Heightened attention when person becomes more receptive to information about the product. At next level consumer may enter into active information search, looking for reading material, phoning friends etc. Evaluation of Alternatives ââ¬â Factors influencing a particular choice over the other include attitudes, beliefs and expectancy value. Purchase Decision ââ¬â Between purchase intention and purchase decision, 2 intervening factors come into play- Attitudes of others and Unanticipated situational factors. Marketers should understand that these factors provokeà risk and should provide information to reduce it. Post purchase Behaviour ââ¬â Marketers must monitor postpurchase satisfaction, postpurchase actions, and postpurchase product uses. Chapter 6 ââ¬â Analyzing Consumer Markets Trends Level of customer involvement Involvement Significant Insignificant Differences in Brands High Complex Buying Behaviour Low Variety Seeking Dissonance Reducing Habitual 1. Complex Buying Behaviour: When a customer purchases something for the first time. 2. Variety Seeking: Consumers will keep switching varieties just out of boredom. Eg- Biscuits. Marketer should keep introducing new products and display the product prominently. 3. Habitual: Buying the same thing out of habit and not out of loyalty. Distribution network should be excellent in this case. Maintain consistency in product and advertising. 4. Dissonance Reducing: In case of repeat purchase of same product.
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